
LTMD: My Alabaster Box

April 10th, 2012 / Joseph P

Dearest Daughter,

Mistakes are not fatal where God is concerned! Yes, we make errors and feel like it’s the end of the world. Everyone talking, accusing eyes staring, snide comments etc. One can find themselves in a lonely place! But, there is one who does not always accuse, nor carry grudges forever according to Psalm 103v9. He forgives and moves our sins as far as the east is from the west, remembering them no more!A GOD full of GRACE!

This leads me to my alabaster box experience!

Mary in the bible experienced this kind of Grace and forgiveness and poured her worship over Jesus in the guise of an alabaster box full of perfume. (Matthew 26 v 7) Like Mary, life offered me good and bad times and I did not always make the right choices. I lived to please and be accepted by all to the point of forsaking my own identity. At times, I would deny my gifting so that my “friends” would accept me as one of them. If for one moment I outshined them they would become hostile to me, so I became someone else to fit in.

This loss of identity led me to a place of loneliness, I was surrounded by people who I thought loved me but yet felt very lonely. I found myself on a road making all the wrong decisions, despising church and the real people who loved me. Wrong decisions that took me far from God all for the sake of fitting in!

At the end of myself, one day I began to cry out to God! This was the moment things began to turn around for me. I was led to read a book entitled ‘Praise Precedes Victory’, and in my reading of this book it all began to make sense! I could find freedom, when I focused on God instead of my weaknesses, my identity was found in Jesus not in friends or people! As I threw myself into living this Christian life with praise and worship, regularly reading the bible and starting to hang around people who were hungry for God, I grew and grew! I was finally in the place where God wanted me. My self esteem rose and my confidence shone. No longer did I have to be something I wasn’t. I could be myself which was everything God intended me to be! A WORSHIPER!

Jesus rescued me and there was only one thing left for me to do as a lifetime commitment! Pour my praise on Him like oil from my alabaster box! My box of pure fragrant worship because I know where I was and where I could of been had He not rescued me! A life of thanksgiving!

So my daughter, don’t allow society, friends, colleagues, teachers, systems or family to define you! Find yourself, your identity in Christ. He will not accuse or make you feel lesser than. He will not walk away from you. You are a Princess, a Queen, you are royalty!

And Mistakes? Well, mistakes are not fatal with God! He forgives and turns things around for you and He always will! Like Mary, your expensive praise and your fragrant worship that flows out of a life sold out for Christ, will be perfume on the Master! And everyone who comes in contact with you will be overwhelmed with that aroma! The aroma that is WORSHIP from your Alabaster box!

Father I pray that you uphold my beautiful daughter and always remind her that she is special to you. Give her real friends who sings her song back to her when she has forgotten the words! Never allow her to lose her praise but pour her worship on you continuously! I hand her over to you because I trust you Lord! Amen!

With all my love,

Mother x









Written by Velveta Thompson

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