

January 22nd, 2017 / Stephane

Written by Meg Laver

When you become a mother there is no doubt that your life changes. You get thrown into a world that you can’t ever remember not being in and a world that you wouldn’t trade for anything. I’ve learnt so much since becoming a mum. 2 years and 2 boys later I feel like I’ve finally worked out what makes motherhood so unique and wonderful.


When you become a mother you really do experience a love like no other. You suddenly realise what it truly means to be “in love” You will love that baby more than anything else you have ever loved and you would happily lay down your own life to protect it at any given moment.

Your heart will hurt when they hurt. You will cry when they cry, laugh when they laugh and love harder than you have ever loved before.


You will laugh every single day. There is something so contagious about being around your funny, happy little person. They make you see the funny side of life and remind you not to take yourself too seriously. They will bring out the inner child in you and make you see that life is fun. I love that I can make my toddler laugh with the slightest silly face or noise. How wonderful is it that they are able to find so much joy in such simple things? In turn he has taught me to stop, slow down and find joy in the simplest of things alongside him.


Being a mum makes you proud as punch. Sometimes you will be so proud of the little human you created you will think that your heart might burst. They will do something kind or something new and you know that YOU have contributed towards that achievement. It’s that little nod from your inner self saying “your not messing up”


Motherhood is an amazing journey but it can also be lonely at times. You might only find 1 or 2 mum friends that you feel totally comfortable with but when you do they will be some of the best friends you will ever have. They will just get you. They will understand how tired you are. They won’t disown you if you have to cancel a plan for the 100th time because your baby is sick or because you can’t get a sitter. They will laugh with you, cry with you, drink wine with you and be your biggest cheerleaders. They will be the voice of reason when you think you are doing it ALL wrong and you will be theirs too.


You will be SO loved. You will feel your child’s love and their kindness everyday single day. There is no hiding what a child feels. If they are happy then they are happy, if they are sad then they are sad and if they are tired they are tired. They have such innocence that they can’t yet hide their feelings and what a wonderful unique thing that is. As we grow into adults we learn to hide those emotions but they can’t. This of course contributes to their tantrums and meltdowns but it’s also gives you 100% confirmation that they love you more than anything else in the world.

Motherhood IS a joy. Of course the role comes with challenges that will test every part of who you are. You will change and you will grow but you will be a mother and when all is said and done there is no better or fulfilling role than that.

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