

November 12th, 2013 / Stephane

“Your Words Hurt Me, Now They’ve Freed Me”…

Contrary to the popular childhood rhyme, words can do just as much damage as sticks and stones, probably even more in fact. Your life is a direct reflection of whose voice you listen to; anytime anybody has your ear they have the power to influence you and make imprints on the pages of your life. Recently I’ve taken the time out to really reflect on the impact of some of the deep rooted words I have grown up with and the subsequent fruit they have produced. This has ushered in a time of uprooting, healing and the welcoming in of a new Truth.

Voices & Subtext


Before we go any further it must be emphasised that words are powerful. The manufacturer of these powerful words-the tongue, is often pertained to carrying life and death. Whether consciously or subconsciously words impact the way we feel, act, see and even what we believe. The measures of their impact are subject to source and situation. There are times, people and places where our hearts can be easily moulded and this is where we receive some of our life messages. These words are reinforced over time and could lead us to believe that we are unaccepted, unloved, unprotected and insecure and cause us to live below our Royal inheritance. A Princess as precious as you, has access to the mysteries of the Kingdom and it is the glory of royalty to search these Truths out.

Seeds & Roots


Words are seeds and once watered they grow deep roots and bring forth fruit. If these fruit are not bringing forth life then it is up to us revoke this seed and pull out any roots because revelation should bring about reformation. When we are younger and more impressionable we struggle to sieve out the negative words spoken over us and only realise the impact of these words once the fruit are in full bloom.  But now we are older we put away childish things and take on the responsibility of guarding our hearts. So if the words we hear or say are not True, noble, just, pure, lovely or of good report then that seed does not need planting (Phillipians 4:8). We play a vital role in keeping our garden beautiful.

The Beautiful Exchange

The Exchange

Our heart has an innate desire to be whole and the scars certain words have left, are a reminder of our pursuit of this healing, and so begins our journey to liberty. Words that once snared us now become a catalyst in encouraging our hunt for The Truth. Whether or not the intent behind such words was to harm you, it can all be turned around for your greater good. The journey is painful but revelation in the Truth often brings with it new grace, mercy, perspective and glory. The process involves exchanging the lies we have heard and spoken over ourselves for the Truth. It’s a continuous and gradual process because deep roots require deep work but rest assured that it is worth it. You will know the Truth and it will set you free (John 8:32) in addition to this you can walk in the confidence that your exchange is certified ensuring that this new Voice of Truth remains recognisable, all you need to do is keep reminding yourself that you are free indeed!

You are accepted, loved, protected and secure and that is the Truth the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth!

 By Dorcas Kissi

TweetMe: @MissDKissi

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