

June 25th, 2015 / Stephane

The F word…

 Fear… I’ve seen his face far too often recently. What comforts me is, he usually rears his ugly head when I’m on the verge of a breakthrough, and though I have become accustomed to his visits, I’m learning not to entertain his company. Fear yielded to, becomes an incubator for “what if’s” inside our minds to reproduce and give birth to still born dreams. It projects our shortcomings upon our dreams in an attempt to persuade us to settle for less than God’s best. Sadly many lives are built upon the foundation of fear. Under the guise of wisdom and security, many people have chosen to trade the freedom of a purpose driven life, for the prison of a predictable future. I am convinced however, beyond our greatest fears lies a personal discovery of strength, greatness and purpose we have yet to discover. It’s never too late to step in to freedom ya’ll and the time is now!


I recently had dinner with a friend and watched a fly get caught in one of the overhead lights at the restaurant we were eating in. This small fly cast a huge shadow on the wall in front of it, and this is exactly what fear does! Standing in the light of truth , it casts a shadow of doubt over you in an attempt to paralyze you into inactivity. However, if we can look beyond the shadow of fear into the light of God’s glory, we see the actual threat is minimal in comparison to the shadow it casts and the light is greater than them all. Light feeds our perspective. What are you looking at? Is the shadow of fear dictating your perspective or the light of truth?

Destroying the lie!

2 Timothy 1:7 says: ‘God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.’ Bottom line: Fear does not come from God and you have the power to deny its influence on you. The sooner you come to that realization the better. We are told to destroy every argument raised against the knowledge of God and to make our thoughts obedient to Christ (1 Cor 10:5) and we do this with the word of God. God has ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope’ (Jeremiah 29:11) God has good plans for you and your life and anything that says otherwise is a lie. God also works all things together for our good because we love Him and are called for His purposes (Rom 8:28). It it’s not good-it’s not the end. He’s not done with you yet!

Faith/ Fear

The only place of absolute security is in the will of God and when you’re obedient to Him, He brings you right where you belong. There is a unique piece of God’s creativity and nature inside of every one of us waiting to be unleashed.It’s got to get out!! No matter what shadow fear casts on you, hold on to what God said and keep going! Hang on! You’re almost there!

Love and light,


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