

September 15th, 2012 / Stephane

I think as humans it’s natural for us to possess a tendency to place a value on things and quantify them. Even if we don’t mean to or realise it. However the real question is, does the same rule apply when we think of love? There are very few relationships where our love is limitless, has no boundaries, where the unacceptable is forgotten and lines that are crossed forgiven completely. It’s hard to imagine that anyone has the capacity to love each and everyone regardless of the unimaginable horrors we can inflict on each other. No matter how deep the rejection, how low the regard one shows us or how much they flout the rules. I believe this love does exist. I believe, I know and worship a God that loves like this. Scratch that, a God whose very character and being is love.

God is love (1 John 4:8) is one of those eternal truths that is almost impossible to fully understand, but once grasped changes your life. It means love is no longer on our terms, no longer solely ours to define. His love is so deep and so unconditional for us that he sent his only son down to die on a cross to redeem us. I can only conclude that God’s love and his relentless ability to love is superhuman, supernatural- something beyond my capabilities.

The Bible says: ‘we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ 

Quite a statement that, but what does this love mean for us personally?

It means we will never be alone. He is always there with us, even when we walk away he waits patiently and rejoices when we turn back to him-  unmeasurable love. Here’s the great part. We are also called to go out into the world and love like Jesus did. I think I can definitely say that loving people- all people like Jesus is something I could keep getting better at. So here are a few things I think we can all do- things that go further than being a nice person. Here are some challenges I’d like to throw down for those who fancy a sunnier shade of life by spreading a lil’ love.


Find something really nice to say or do for someone who annoys you. I’m talking needless niceness for someone who gets on your last nerve, always rubs you up the wrong way or has an attitude that always seems to come with a raincloud of doom. Buy ‘em a coffee, pay for their parking, stick up for them- It won’t be easy, but give it a try!


Do something nice for yourself. Have some me time. I’m a big believer in the mantra that a smile comes from within. Cheesy, but the truth is if you feel good, you look good and start loving people left, right and centre. Be kind to yourself- get a facemask or a bath bomb, have that piece of chocolate cake- or don’t, but do take the first steps towards a happier, healthier you.


Think of someone that hurt or upset you at some point, think of what they said or did and then makforgive them. Let it go! A hard and sometimes long process, but this is a must if you do not want to be burdened by regret or bitterness. It could be big, it could be small and maybe it’ll take you years, but forgiveness is one of the most empowering things you can do to love yourself, and one of the biggest weapons you’ll need in spreading love a little deeper.

I’d love to hear how this goes for everyone so please get in touch with your everyday love stories. Tweet us up or email in. Catch a hold of love and run with it!

Written by Sara Bennett

TweetMe @Sarallam

Check out her personal blog HERE

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