

April 10th, 2015 / Stephane

If you ever want to paint a picture of the beauty of God’s pursuit for us and the sacred romance then Songs of Songs (Song of Solomon) is a great place to start. The book carries some amazing mysteries and probably one of the biggest enigmas found in the Bible. Every book in the Bible points to Jesus and God’s amazing love and as heirs to the Kingdom it is our honour to search out these amazing truths which are hidden not just in The Word but reflected in incredible moments where heaven kisses the earth.

The relationship between Christ and us (the Bride) is often mirrored to the relationship between a husband and wife. So it is no wonder that Solomon dedicates his poems to the amazing journey between a lady and her lover. And just like any relationship it is not always smooth running but in His time He makes it all beautiful. There is a running theme throughout Songs of Songs and Love takes centre stage… Love is beautiful, find it, keep it and grow in it. But probably the most important thing to remember is that God is Love!

Song of Solomon

Songs of Songs has always been a favourite of mine and being newly engaged has breathed a new life into this book, so I thought I’d share some of my favourite passages with you:

Chapter 2 Verse 4: “He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.”

There is a rest and joy that comes with fully knowing that you are loved. That is where our identity lies, in that sealed affirmation that we are loved by a Father whose house is always open to us. All that we would ever need is awaiting us at the table.

There is a freedom that comes with sitting in the seat of love. When at a banquet you are spoilt for choice. It’s amazing how love can so drastically broaden your perspective; because love is not at all stifling, but liberating in every sense. Contrary to what the songs and movies tell us love at its core is good and kind. It is not timid but rather loud and bold. It is this joy which drives people to publicly make a covenant with the one they love and dedicate themselves and their lives to each other.


Chapter 2 Verse 15: “Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom”

I honestly believe God is in the detail and often times He speaks to us in that small still voice which can get drowned by the noises and clutter around us. There has never been a better time for a spring clean. Anything that works against love whether fear or bad habits, needs to be uprooted as soon as it is recognised; don’t wait until the small voice becomes silent.

Often time’s relationships simmer and die due to bad habits and tendencies we allow to fester and grow. We have to be active in guarding our love and relationship at all times because it will forever be blossoming and will forever need protecting. Whether the deadly killers are external parties, negative judgements or bad communication, nip them in the bud and deal with it straight away. Arguments and disagreements do not always indicate the end of the road but an opportunity to get better. Let us learn a thing or two from the generations before us and decide to exercise staying power and hold on. So rather than abandoning the blossoming vineyard stay and clear out the little foxes together.

Chapter 6 Verse 3: “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine; he grazes among the lilies”

To put it simply, Love begets Love. There is nothing you can do to make God love you any more or less than He already does. All you can do is fall deeper and deeper into the understanding and firm truth that you are loved. The more you embrace and encounter this life changing love, the warmer your heart gets and allows love to rise up.

Every intimate relationship needs a level of a consistent commitment. Sharing yourself physically, emotionally and mentally requires a declaration which confidently shouts ‘I have found the one my soul loves, he is mine and I am his’. The foundation of this is friendship, as it said that a best friend is two souls dwelling in two bodies.

Beautiful Couple

Chapter 7 Verse 10: “I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me”

We choose to love. We wake up and consciously have to make that decision. Jesus laying down His life was a choice He made out of love not obligation. He is Love personified and just like love is a verb, He came down and demonstrated His love for us in an extraordinary way. God made that choice of love from His heart because He actually likes us; He deeply enjoys and delights in you. He is for you and don’t ever forget that.

If there is one thing I am sure of, it is that love is home and that is exactly how it should feel when the two of you are together irrespective of your surroundings or circumstances. If you could do it all again you would still choose each other. Decorate your home and make it your own type of beautiful. It is vital to remain intentional, love doesn’t die and neither should desire so in all your getting make sure you maintain and grow because the evidence of desire is pursuit, never stop pursuing.

Chapter 8 Verse 4: “Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires”

In 1 John 4:18 we are reminded that perfect love casts out fear. The term perfect here refers to a mature, rooted and grounded love. The fact that love has to be awakened is an indication that it is something that flourishes and grows. Allow God’s love for you to take root, sit in that truth and beauty. Encountering the Father’s love is a journey not an event so take delight in the quiet Sunday mornings of life where you grow more aware and soaked in that love.

Awaken Love

It is important that we realise that this verse is charged at the ladies. We have a responsibility to not awaken his love too early. Just like God put Adam in certain conditions and directions whilst in the Garden of Eden (presence of God; work; the ability to cultivate; protect and be fruitful as well as the The Word and vision of God) before he was blessed with a wife; is the same way that we need to allow our men to go through a process. It is dangerous to awaken a love that has not been given the time and conditions to mature. Love is patient and in due time it will awaken and He will let it all be beautiful.

 By Dorcas Kissi

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