
5 Ways To Sparkle & Make A Good First Impression

August 18th, 2012 / Stephane

There is a unique beauty that exuberates from someone that is at peace, an indescribable sparkle. The sad thing is many of us have grown to believe that this is something preserved for the elite, rich or famous; which is far from the truth. An individual that can permanently dress themselves in this wonderful effervescence will find that their presence alone can brighten up a room, command respected attention and ultimately make that vital good first impression. This type of sparkle starts from the inside out and can be universally obtainable.

Be True To Yourself

A desire to be liked and accepted can sometimes become so prominent that we lose who we are in order to fit a mould. Developing an honest attitude will translate into having the confidence to just be you. Be discerning to your preferences without passing judgement on those who may not necessarily follow the same train of thought. Be the best, most beautiful and unique version of you that you can be.

Live loved

Knowing, believing and understanding that you are loved can have a tremendous effect on your perspective. A person who has come to terms with the realisation that they are made by Love even talks differently. Despite circumstances and situations it is so important to remember how precious you are and keep reminding yourself you are loved until your whole being believes it.

Walk In Divine Purpose

Finding out your divine purpose can be the most enlightening experience, but probably more beautiful is the bold individual who turns their back on fear and decides to walk in this purpose. You no longer see the need to scramble for attention or maliciously fight your way to the top because you have reached the understanding that the vision and dream you have been given is a destiny only you can fulfil. You may not know all the steps to get there but the passion you have for this goal is enough to make that lasting impression and cause that crowded room to be silent when you speak.

Serve Whole Heartedly

Considering this article is about how you can make that sparkling impression it is probably contradictory to now say an important part of it is to remember that it is not all about you. As well as being loved it is important to realise that we were made to walk out a life of love. Yes, it is important to keep your eye on the prize but cultivating a heart that loves to serve makes that journey to that final destination worthwhile. We are all connected and have the power to impact someone. So whether you interact with them on a daily basis or it’s just for a few minutes ensure that it is your mission to make the mark you leave on that person’s page a positive one.

Put On Your Best Asset – A Smile

We don’t live in an isolated world and one thing that should not be overlooked is how contagious our attitudes are. Energy is never destroyed, simply transferred. We may not always be able to control the judgements passed on us or how people take us but we always have control over what we leave behind and give. Something as simple as a smile has the power to communicate that inner sparkle and most importantly it is one of the most infectious gestures we have, so put one on and pass it on.


By Dorcas Kissi

Tweet Me @DKorum

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