

June 4th, 2015 / Stephane

A lot of us have been let go from relationships that were going to last forever. We are left confused and vulnerable when relationship end because we do not understand how something that was set to last and go on for an eternity could suddenly be over.

Forever is a big promise. It’s a promise made too often and all too loosely in modern culture. A promise completely overused in our media. In films, books and music forever seems to last, so when forever ends suddenly in your own life (the real world) – you’re not alone in wanting to stomp your feet and scream.


When you loose a love or a best friend who was supposed to be your forever – it’s okay to be irate, disappointed or even overwhelmed. It’s okay to feel like it’s not fair because you are right – it’s not fair. It’s not easy BUT it is okay. Let me say that one more time – IT IS OKAY. Deep breath sister; you are okay. 

It’s really easy to feel alone in the world. Loneliness can be an empty feeling. It’s devastating and terrifying and completely foreign to someone who was once so closely connected to another person.


I have a secret.

God’s still around. God still loves you. Look down. You are in tact. Your toes still wiggle and your hair still braids and your heart still beats. All 37 trillion of the cells in your body are on your team – they’re rooting for you. You are not alone. 

At some point or another, we all get left behind by someone we thought that we could trust, but if there’s someone in your life who wants to let you go – let them. You are a beautiful, perfect daughter of God and you should not spend your energy trying to force yourself into the presence of people who do not love or value you.

Being let go hurts. What did you do? What could you have done differently? Can you change? Thoughts will race through your mind, but the answer is always the same – you can’t please everyone. You don’t have to fit into everyone’s lives and you don’t have to change into someone you’re not in order to be accepted. You are right where you need to be in this season of your life.


Letting go is so much easier said than done. Believe me, I know. Once you give your heart permission to let go time will do the rest. In the meantime, celebrate yourself. Treat yourself to something fun and adventurous. Surround yourself with the love and light in your life and take each moment day by day.

You are lovelier than ever at the end of every trial – for you have grown wiser and stronger.

By Ellie Coburn



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