
FEATURE: Rolling with the seasons

August 4th, 2014 / Stephane

Spring is quite possibly my favourite season. It’s when the evenings get lighter, the flowers blossom and the weather cheers up. Especially for a self-confessed, not-morning person like me, it’s easier to wake up with an extra bounce in my step (even on a Monday). What’s more, navigating life through spring can make everyday tasks seem glorious. That’s the only logical explanation behind why the walk from my house to the train station can often border on delightful, particularly when the sun is out.


This made me think about how seasons (both in nature terms and also periods of time in one’s life) can often have a significant impact on our outlook, emotions and day-to-day actions. For instance, it is understandably easier and quicker to walk down a stretch of road on a bright, sunny day than it is in the depths of winter, when any given plot of pavement looks like a glorified ice rink. If you’re anything like me, walking in such conditions adds considerable time to my journey and (not being the biggest fan of winter) I have been known to cry (inwardly) and wish I was anywhere but out in the elements.


Similarly, when you find yourself in a hard season in your life, there are some things that take longer and require more effort from you, mentally and physically, than when you’re in a season where you’re living the high life. Simple tasks in the summer can be real challenges in the winter. Sometimes it might feel difficult to pray, relationships seem more challenging and it feels like an uphill battle to remain thankful in all circumstances.
 Although life may seem like one trial after the other, it doesn’t mean that you should stop trying to do the things that are hard. Keep it moving.


At the heart of Psalm 23, David says ‘though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil’. This suggests that even in the face of darkness and death, you’re meant to keep going. Also you are able to sail through these perilous circumstances not because you are a legend (although that might be true), but because God is with you and His presence in your situation makes all the difference.

God never promised that you wouldn’t face deep valleys or have your scrapes with the shadow of death. In the book of Isaiah (chapter 43), God even tells His people to be prepared for times ‘when you walk through the fire…when you go through rivers.’ Do you notice the unfortunate lack of ifs? We may find ourselves in hot situations and feel as through we are about to drown—but God promises His presence and that we will not be overtaken by the situation we’re faced with, as we continue to look to Him. Challenges and scary situations are inevitable. Still, not only were you made to go through, you’re meant to survive them.


So when the snow falls or when it rains, it’s good to remember that it doesn’t snow and rain won’t always remain, neither is it night time always. The sun rises and summer time does come, even in England.

Written by Kazstarlet

Tweet me @kazstarlet

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